Cost-efficient design

As a result of their low-tech design and robustness, the BlueBox units are very durable, even in harsh environments


The units are designed for mobility and conform to international standards

Easy to deploy and operate

The units are easy to set up and can be opererated with minimal training and require very little maintenance – all you need is included, so you’re ready to go

Quality exceeds WHO standard

The units are designed and built to purify water from any water source and deliver drinkable water superior to the standards defined by the World Health Organisation depending on choice of filter

Multiple power sources

NEW: the BlueBox 450RO has a Fuel Cell PowerBox option as a combined “green” solution. The BlueBox range is adaptable to most power sources: grid, generators, solar and batteries.

Field tested & approved

The BlueBox® system have been test and approved by recognised disaster relief and military organisations and can supply clean drinking water from 10 to 10.000 people

Cost-efficient design

The BlueBox® system have been test and approved by recognised disaster relief and military organisations and can supply clean drinking water from 10 to 10.000 people


The units are designed for mobility and conform to international standards

Easy to deploy and operate

The units are easy to set up and can be opererated with only little training and require very little maintenance

Quality exceeds WHO standard

Great care has been taken in the design, build and construction and the purified water is superior to the standards defined by the World Health Organisation

Powered by multiple power sources

The BlueBox units are adaptable to most power sources: electricity grid, generators, solar power, fuel cells, and car batteries.